‘Smock & Chattels brings forward sustainable fashion products and propagates that good intentions can be beautiful, individual and SUSTAINABLE’.

Mary Wazirian

Smock and Chattels is an online brand with its goal to create eco-friendly, fair trade and recycled high end clothing for people in all corners of the world.  

Eco-friendly products can be designed from purely organic materials with no added toxic chemicals.

Fair trade certified products are propagated to reduce inequality in the world. The item is exhibited in a fair working environment with equal rights. Our workers get paid more than the average hourly salary and work in a very ethical environment. 

Recycled products reduce what we call 'over-consumption'. Overpopulation is our reality, that is why waste should become OUR big concern. The planet is similar to our bodies, if we don't nurture it, it will soon deteriorate.  Since we cannot stop our creative minds from generating ideas, we can always re-use! The idea of re-using comes with a good intention! Smock & Chattels uses surplus fabric also called deadstock to produce its clothing. 

Smock and Chattels takes all of these abstract entities and fosters something that is concrete. S&C brings about fashion forwarded products and propagates that good intentions can be beautiful, individual and SUSTAINABLE. After all, what is better than fostering change. 

Change can induce us to make more Sustainable Choices! How exciting! 

Mary Wazirian

Smock and Chattels